A HUGE THANK YOU to the businesses that donated items, vouchers and cash towards the Salvos South West Toy Ride 2024
A list of items that were donated (& photos) by the businesses below can be found on the Salvos Southwest Toy Ride Facebook Page - each business is listed individually on that page with what was donated.
Salvos South West Toy Ride's Facebook Page
A Big THANK YOU to.....
Lions Club Augusta - Cooking Breakfast & Donating $2000
Lions Club Margaret River - Selling Raffle Tickets & Donating $1500
Lions Club Dunsborough - Selling Raffle Tickets & Donating $1000
Lions Club Busselton - Cooking Lunch & Donating $5000
Capel RSL - Donating $500
Aurizon Rail - Donating $500
Rob Griffiths Printers for printing our raffle tickets free of charge
John Miller Design
Augusta Hotel for paying for a QUIZ night & hosting our fundraising evening
Geographe Bay Yacht Club for hosting the end of our event & gifting two free memberships
Barry Buswell - Collecting 10c Cans & Donating $221
CWA Capel - Donating $260 from there raffle
Capel Community Bank - Setting up a donation point for toys & $30.40 from a donation tin
Capel Celebrations - $18.50 from a donation tin & two bottles of wine
Capel Post Office - $57.35 from a donation tin & multiple items to auction off
Tyre Power Capel - $160.55 from a donation tin & setting up a toy collecting point onsite
Magpie Coffee Vasse - $180.05 from a donation tin & $30 Coffee Vouchers
Capel Pharmacy - $255.35 from a donation tin & multiple items to auction off
K-Mart Busselton - Hamper to auction off
AMX Bunbury - $500 in AMX Gift Vouchers
Renew Skin & Beauty Vasse
U Return It Bussetlon - $520.60 Cash donation
Busselton Florist
Kindred Spirit
South West Provisions
Windows Estate, Margaert River
Bettenay's Wine & Nougat
Yarri Restaruent Dunsborough
Hamelin Bay Holiday Park - $100 off accommodation voucher
Capes Foundation - $500 in gift vouchers
Vasse Felix Winery
Yallingup Maze - Free entry vouchers
Joanna Alferink Art
Olio Bello
Forester Estate Wines
TJ Butchers Capel
Cash 4 Cans
Vonnies Designs
Sports Power Busselton
Witchcraft Quilting Capel
Carolyn in Busselton
Geographe Saws & Mowers
Price Attack Busselton
Ron from Margert River
Blue Box Knitting & Crochet Busselton
Cheri Armour Lingerie Busselton
Hobson + POCO Fashin, Busselton
Shabby Duck Busselton
Darrens Ride
CNW Electrical Bunbury
Brian Harrison of Capel
Betty at Callows Newsagents Busselton
Lentedal Vineyard Estate
Capel Post Office
Wisteria Cottage Augusta
James Cignal Smokes Busselton
Leon Baker Jewellers Busselton
Sue Jervis of Dalyellup
The Village Grocer Augusta
Steve, Tammy & the kids - Steves Mechanical Services - Bridgetown
IGA Bridgetown
Muscle Car Engines Bridgetown
Bursons Bunbury
Nannup Tiger Art Gallery
Bonnet & Entrance Eco Store Nannup
Priceline Pharmacy Margaret River
Hempco Margaret River
Margert River Essentials
Sagika Margert River
Strathhams Mechanical Busselton
Nikki from Capel
Kathy Spark
Mens Shed Busselton
Colroys in Capel
Ann-Marie of Augusta
Capel News agency
Bunbury Batteries & Radiators
Harley-Davison Bunbury
NAPA Auto Parts Bunbury
If We have missed anyone, we do apologies, please get in touch with us ASAP so we can correct this. Thank You.